HPE6-A73 Aruba Certified Switching Professional Exam

Exam ID :  HPE6-A73Exam type : ProctoredExam duration : 1 hour 30 minutesExam length : 60 questionsPassing score : 71%Delivery languages : Japanese, English, Latin American SpanishSupporting resources : Implementing ArubaOS-CX Switching, Rev. 20.21 Additional study materialsAruba Certified Switching Professional […]

HPE6-A82 Aruba Certified ClearPass Associate Exam

Exam ID : HPE6-A82Exam type:  ProctoredExam duration : 1 hour 30 minutesExam length : 60 questionsPassing score : 67%Delivery languages : Japanese, English, Latin American Spanish Supporting resources Option 1Aruba ClearPass Fundamentals, Rev. 20.11 Option 2Aruba ClearPass Essentials, Rev. 20.11 […]

HPE2-T36 Using HPE OneView Exam

Exam ID HPE2-T36Exam type Web basedExam duration 1 hourExam length 40 questionsPassing score 65%Delivery languages Japanese, English, KoreanSupporting resources These recommended resources help you prepare for the exam:Using HPE OneView, Rev. 19.41 Register for this ExamYou need an HPE Learner […]

HPE0-V12 Designing HPE Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Exam ID HPE0-V12Exam type ProctoredExam duration 1 hour 15 minutesExam length 50 questionsPassing score 62%Delivery languages English, JapaneseSupporting resources These recommended resources help you prepare for the exam: Designing HPE Hybrid Cloud Solutions, Rev. 19.41 Register for this ExamYou need […]

HPE0-A122P Aruba Certified ClearPass Expert Practical Exam

Exam ID HPE0-A122PExam type Performance basedExam duration 8 hoursPassing score 75%Delivery languages EnglishSupporting resources These recommended resources help you prepare for the exam: Option 1Aruba Advanced ClearPass Troubleshooting and Solutions, Rev. 19.31 Option 2Aruba ClearPass Essentials, Rev. 20.11Aruba Advanced ClearPass […]